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Conviértete en voluntario

​PACS no podría brindar los servicios y el apoyo a la comunidad sin el tiempo y el esfuerzo de muchos de nuestros maravillosos voluntarios. Aquí hay algunos voluntarios que nos gustaría reconocer para resaltar su tremenda contribución a PACS.

​Homenajeados voluntarios de PACS

Alan Preston


Alan Preston has been a dedicated volunteer at PACS for nearly three years. During this time, he has worked closely with Mike Claus, our Food Recovery Relations Manager. Some might call him “Mike’s Right-Hand Man”! Alan assists with receiving, driving the PACS vans, and stepping in for Mike when he is out of the office.  Having lived in Phoenixville for over 20 years, Alan loves the community and appreciates how it has grown over the years. After retirement, he decided he wanted to give back to the community by helping those in need. 


Throughout the years he has volunteered, Alan has truly appreciated hearing how grateful guests are for the support PACS offers, and the difference the organization has made in their lives.  He also values how hard his fellow volunteers work, and the friendships they form - not to mention the exercise he gets from working in receiving!


When it comes to his views on PACS as an organization, he believes what we do is amazing - supporting individuals facing food insecurity. Alan stated that the whole idea of food insecurity is unimaginable - and that our country has the means to feed every citizen, but doesn’t. He finds it truly inspiring that PACS serves as a vital resource for anyone in need, especially within the Phoenixville community. Another one of Alan’s inspirations is Mike. He admires Mike as an example of someone who engages in meaningful work, and can be an exceptional problem solver. Mike motivates Alan to put in the effort and make the most of his time as a volunteer.


The most significant achievement for PACS, in Alan’s eyes, was when PACS moved from Church St to Buchanan St. Moving locations increased our capacity to assist a larger number of individuals, which he finds truly remarkable. The growing number of people we can serve daily is a testament to our expanded space for food storage.


Alan Preston truly embodies what it means to love what you do, and appreciate the results. In his words: “I APPRECIATE the opportunity to volunteer at PACS. I’m glad I get to do it!” Thank you Alan for your hard work and dedication to our mission. 

"The Heart of PACS" Awards

Every year, we hold a special event to express our gratitude towards the hardworking volunteers who support our mission. 

​En diciembre de 2023, realizamos un evento especial para expresar nuestra gratitud hacia los voluntarios trabajadores que apoyan nuestra misión. Aproximadamente 135 voluntarios se reunieron en PACS para ser honrados por su dedicación y esfuerzos.


Tuvimos el honor de contar con la presencia de varios funcionarios electos en el evento:

Senadora Katie Muth y Nikki Whitlock

Marian Moskowitz, presidenta del comisionado del condado de Chester

Peter Urscheler, alcalde de Phoenixville


La oficina de la senadora Katie Muth otorgó a todos los voluntarios de PACS el Certificado de Reconocimiento Senatorial del Estado de Pensilvania, en reconocimiento al "compromiso con el servicio voluntario en Phoenixville y las comunidades circundantes".


El alcalde Peter otorgó a todos los voluntarios de PACS la Mención de la Oficina del Alcalde del condado de Phoenixville, en reconocimiento a las “destacadas contribuciones de los voluntarios a los servicios comunitarios del área de Phoenixville”.


Un grupo selecto de nuestros voluntarios también recibió el Premio al Servicio Voluntario del Presidente de manos del presidente Biden. Este premio se otorga a quienes han trabajado como voluntarios una determinada cantidad de horas. ¡Elaine Miller ganó el Premio Presidencial de Oro por aproximadamente 700 horas de servicio voluntario!

Joseph J. Cowan, Jr. ha sido reconocido como ganador del "Premio Lois Gould Voluntario del Año" para 2023. El premio, que lleva el nombre de la fundadora de PACS, Lois Gould, se entregará al Voluntario del Año anualmente.


Estamos extremadamente agradecidos con todos nuestros voluntarios que dedican su tiempo y esfuerzo para apoyar nuestra misión todos los días.

Lois Gould Volunteer of The Year Winners

2024 - Elaine Miller


2023 - Joe Cowan

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Phoenixville Area Community Services


101 Buchanan Street

Phoenixville, PA 19460






9am - 5pm

Tuesday to Friday

9am - 4pm


10 am-1 pm

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